Articles in the Ecology category

Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips of interest for the Ecology category.

Main illustration of the article Green Models in Classroom
Camilo A. Angulo, autor Camilo A. Angulo Green Models in Classroom Design teachers must spread pedagogical processes for a green world to reduce the impact of our academic exercises on the local environment.
Main illustration of the article Planned Obsolescence
David Gallo, autor David Gallo Planned Obsolescence Design should no longer respond to market interests anymore, but to the human needs that as a global community we have created as time goes by.
Main illustration of the article Graphic design's carbon footprint
Fernando Navia Meyer, autor Fernando Navia Meyer Graphic design's carbon footprint Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse effect gases, bound to a product or service.

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Branding Corporativo

Branding Corporativo

Cómo planificar, construir y gestionar la marca de empresas e instituciones

20 hours (approx.)
1 junio

Rediseño de Marca

Rediseño de Marca

Guía analítica y método de trabajo para determinar estrategias de cambio de marca

15 hours (approx.)
1 junio

Cómo Justificar el Diseño

Cómo Justificar el Diseño

Cómo construir autoridad profesional y superar el problema de convencer al cliente al presentarle diseños

15 hours (approx.)
1 junio